Let’s have a TechTalk about… Geometry JN!
Designed and created for you with the following benefits:
1. The shape:
The shape of the chip breaker provides excellent chip curl/arrow for better formation.
2. Steel and Stainless steel:
With a slightly positive cut and the suggestion of suitable grades, this geometry is universal.
3. Thin-walled parts:
Effective and recommended for cutting thin-walled pieces.
4. Clever clamping system:
The clamping system allows the change of insert without disassembly the holder.
5. Bonus:
Can be used with JET high-pressure tool holder with dual lubrication.
Learn more about this family on our website: https://www.applitec-tools.com/products/evocut-line/
You can also find our JN geometry on our Applitec shop: https://shop.applitec-tools.com/en/2104-evo-jn
Let’s have TechTalk with us !
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